This 72B Ciao set includes a combination of colors from the 36C & 36D sets. These colors include a majority of dark and mid-tone/muddy colors. This set is a great way to complete your Copic Ciao collection!
MSRP : $280.80
This 72B Ciao set includes a combination of colors from the 36C & 36D sets. These colors include a majority of dark and mid-tone/muddy colors. This set is a great way to complete your Copic Ciao collection!
This 72B Ciao set includes a wide spectrum of neutral colors that are ideal for adding depth and a sense of transparency to your artwork. This 72B set includes a combination of the Ciao 36 C and D sets.
Colors: W1, W3, W5, W7, B02, B12, B45, B60, B63, B93, B95, B97, BG05, BG34, BG49, BG96, BV13, BV17, BV23, BV29, BV31, E11, E31, E43, E49, E50, E53, E57, E71, E77, E93, E95, G000, G07, G14, G28, G85, G94, R00, R05, R11, R17, R22, R35, R37, R46, R85, RV000, RV06, RV13, RV34, RV95, V000, V06, V15, V91, V95, Y11, Y15, Y21, Y28, Y38, YG00, YG23, YG63, YG91, YG95, YR16, YR23, YR31, YR61, and YR68
Dimensions: 10.6 x 6.1 x 2.6 inches
- Item Weight: 2.5 pounds